objectives and functions
The objectiives for which this trust has been set up are :
- To strive for making the Asthapan of Mata Khir Bhawani a “Sidhpeeth”, a spiritually charged peeth for the devotees of Mata Khir Bahwani at Jammu like the one we have at Tullamulla, Kashmir.
- To create spiritual awakening among the devotees of Mata Khir Bhawani and cultivate liking for, and to promote interest in the philosophy of Sanatan Dharma.
Functions of Sanastha :
- To generate spiritual awakening by conducting regular Poojas, Hawans, Satsangs, Sampats and religious discourses of spiritually emancipated souls.
- To maintain an upto-date library books on works of Hindu religion, philosophy, culture and spiritual subjects.
- To print, publish and distribute books, booklets, pamphlets and magazines on Hindu philosophy and on allied subjects.
- To nominate delegates, advisors to represent the Sanastha in councils, commissions, boards and committees for upliftment of Hindu religion.
- To keep in touch with sister religious concerns.
- To borrow or raise funds required for the development of the holy shrine.
- To accept donations, subsidies, grants and other help from centre or state government or any other local person or public without any condition.
- To open bank accounts and to draw, make, accept, endorse cheques and promissory notes for and on behalf of and in the name of the Sanastha.
- To undertake and conduct philanthropic activities such as helping widows, orphans, destitutes, sicks, infirms, poor, needy and deserving people by creating a separate fund for this purpose.
- To open any institute on the name of Shri Maha Regeneya under the management of Ardh Ratri Shri Maha Regeneya Sewa Sanastha Trust. Institutes such as ladies institute for dress making, higher secondary schools, health centres, polyclinics, hospitals, engineering and medical colleges etc.