Online Booking

The Procedure to book the facilities available at Kheer Bhawani Peeth is :


1. Check the availability


2. If the booking is available for those days that you want, then deposit the amount in SBI A/c No : 30185695713, IFSC Code : SBIN0007974. Before making payment please re-confirm availability of the dates on Tel nos : 01914042276 or 9906325323


3. After depositing the amount, Click here and fill the details :

4. After 48 hours of filling these details, you can check the status of your booking, by selecting the month and year above, and in the list, your name should appear against that date. In case, if it is not there, confirm your status by calling on phone.


Charges :


a. Havan - Rs.7,100/-

b. Yagnopavit - Rs.21,000/-

c. For Other functions like Kahnether - Rs.3,100/-


Facilities at Bhawan:

Havan Shalla

Dining space covered 1500 sft

2 Rooms


All Utensils

Drinking Water (If available)


Consumables to be arranged by the Party including LPG

For Mehandiraat and similar functions at Markandhey Bhawan:

For 1st day : Rs.10,000/-

For 2nd day : Rs.5000/-

For 3rd day : Rs.3000/-

For subsequent days : Rs.1000/-

Bookings for maximum 7 days is permissible

For 7 days booking at once : Rs20,000/-


Full amount to be deposited in the bank, then only booking will be confirmed.


Space Available:

2 neat andclean halls measuring 40 x 25 ft each

with attached bathrooms.

One overhead kitchen for cooking purposes.

Furnishing & catering to be arranged by the party.

However tie-up with service providers is available.